Monday, May 9, 2011

Just for me...

I'm on's the ending of another school year...projects due...class assignments to complete. I say that I will get caught up over summer break...LOL! I'm fooling myself and I probably wouldn't have it any other way. I've been neglecting my blog and I haven't created anything just for me! This weekend was an opportunity to create something just for me...and it felt great ;) Here's what I made...a little bit from SOUL RESTORATION, SheART, ArtJournal Everyday and Free Your Creativity

Oops...time is running to complete something else. Hope you enjoyed my JUST FOR ME canvas. I would love to hear from you...what are you creating...JUST FOR YOU?

1 comment:

  1. Just for you - that is a very special theme we should all spend more time on :)
    Enjoy your creative use of color


Thanks I he{ART} hearing from you!