Monday, February 19, 2018

ULTRA VIOLET 2018 Pantone Color of the Year Collaboration

WELCOME TO PANTONE COLOR OF THE YEAR 2018 ARTIST COLLABORATION. The über fabulous Tina Walker comes up with the best artist collaborations. To start off 2018 we are paying homage to PANTONE's chosen color of 2018...ULTRA VIOLET.

ULTRA VIOLET 2018 Pantone Color of the Year

When Tina put out a collaboration call I jumped in because COLOR maybe the starting point for most of my art. I've followed PANTONE for years and appreciate the abundance of information for designers so this was a no-brainer for me.
Wanting to use materials I already had I looked to my PEBEO Paint collection in Fantasy Prisme, Fantasy Moon and Vitrail. I could go on and on why one needs to try this medium but I'll stick with the theme of ULTRA-VIOLET.
What color is ULTRA VIOLET, how would one explain the color? It's a BLUE based PURPLE, a cool range purple. 

Here is Art Panel #1. Since you're not quite sure how these PEBEO paints will react with each other, which makes it a really cool experiment, I just jumped in. As pleased as I was I felt it didn't have enough of the ULTRA VIOLET color I had hoped for.

Here is Art Panel #2. Using the same paint colors I concentrated on using more ULTRA VIOLET.

Here are some close up photos of different areas of each panel. You can also see the areas where I used the Pebeo Vitrail 
Stained Glass Effect Glass Paint in Sparkling Medium.

I'm really happy with the final project and would display 
them next to each other for maximum impact.


Pebeo Vitrail Stained Glass Effect Glass Paint ~ Sparkling Medium

Pebeo Vitrail Stained Glass Effect Glass Paint ~ Lightening Medium

Pebeo Liquid Art Panel Classic Collection 10X10

Pebeo Fantasy Prisme Paint:

~ Violet

~ Turquoise
~ Eggshell White

Pebeo Fantasy Moon Paint:
~ Veil of Smoke
~ Turquoise

~ Deep Blue
~ Turquoise
~ White

Thanks for stopping by and if you would like to see some of the other artists projects jump on over to Tina's blog and check them out! 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Rising Seas: Can the Outer Banks, NC Survive?

March 2017
Melting Polar Caps & Sea Level Rise

The Outer Banks of NC are a series of thin, barrier islands that separate the Currituck Sound, Albemarle Sound & Pamlico Sound from the Atlantic Ocean,that runs from the very southern tip of VA. down the East Coast of NC. If there was ever a reason to understand the profound effects of 'Climate Change' it can be viewed right here on a daily basis. 97% of Climate scientists believe we are at the critical tipping point of addressing what is happening to Mothers Earth and I'm going to share what happens when a series of barrier islands are directly impacted.

"Development and climate change are causing the islands to slowly vanish, scientists say."

At one time there was 1000 ft. of beach but today at times of high tides the beach disappears.

At times of extreme weather the already trouble beaches sustain further erosion that impacts homes, roads and the Bonner Bridge which connects several of the islands with the mainland.

Bonner Bridge

Saturday, February 25, 2017

A BIRDS EYE VIEW: Hurricane Matthew, Elizabeth City, NC

FEB. 2017



I live in Elizabeth City, NC on the Rasquotank River which flows into the Albemarle Sound and then the Atlantic Ocean at the Outer Banks which is a barrier island. Hurricanes are common, along with Tropical Storms and the good ol' Nor'Easter. In the 12 years that we've lived here approximately 3 EXTREME WEATHER storms pounce on this area every year.

This year was DIFFERENT! HURRICANE MATTHEW was on the way, almost 12 days of weather reporting about this monster storm and although we would be on the tail end of it...going to move off shore we still would feel the impact. 

Little did anyone know that the unpredictable storm was going to do the most devastation in NC. This community received over 12" of rain in a 24 hr. period (the most in the Hurricane)...the ground was already saturated from Tropical Storm Hermine that dumped 9" in Sept.

Although Hurricane Preparation is pushed in this area and the people know that from June until Nov. there will be some that will make landfall here. We  really weren't ready for the impact that Matthew would take on this area! Oh we had our water, canned foods, batteries, candles, matches etc. we still were not prepared.

This month I will be sharing how my husband and I were personally impacted by the storm. I'll share my Art Journal JOURNALISTIC Page 1st.

Hurricane Matthew Highlights
In NC Hurricane Matthew damage is estimated to be $1.5 BILLION
  • Its diameter is roughly the distance across the state of Pennsylvania.
  • Mandatory evacuations spread for over 500 miles along the Southeast coast.
  • Hurricane Matthew will be remembered as a historic storm and residents along the Southeast coast and In the Caribbean will be talking about it for decades.
  • 5: At peak intensity, Matthew was a Category 5 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 160 mph late Sept. 30 into early Oct. 1.
  • 6: Counties in Georgia that have mandatory evacuations in place in anticipation of Matthew's arrival.
  • 12+: Days that meteorologists have been tracking Matthew. Invest 97L was designated by the National Hurricane Center on Sept. 25. The invest became Tropical Storm Matthew on Sept. 28 and quickly strengthened into a hurricane by Sept. 29 in the eastern Caribbean Sea. 
  • 13: Matthew will likely be the 13th billion-dollar weather disaster in the United States this year.
  • 155: The peak unconfirmed wind gust recorded in eastern Cuba from Matthew was 155 mph.
  • 250: Miles of Matthew's diameter while off the east coast of Florida, which isn't a terribly large hurricane, but is roughly the distance across Pennsylvania, from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia.

We were amongst the luckier of homeowners as we are out of the flood zone by 25 literally ends at the beginning of our property line. Although the winds were fierce we only sustained minimal damage...a new roof, exterior rain & wind damage unlike others!

Although Matthew hit here on Oct. 8th it wasn't until the 1st week in Feb., 2017 that we were able to replace the roof on our house. Damage in the storm meant a complete tear-off and replacement. The insurance adjusters and contractors were so backed up this was the soonest we could get it done.

The job gets started...dumpster, shingles, workers!

Tear off completed!

Now our neighbors across the street weren't as lucky. A huge limb came down on & went through their roof and was sticking out the back side by a good 50 feet. Luckily their bedroom was on the other side of the house! The damage was extensive and the cost was exorbitant as evey room in the house suffered damage...cracked walls & ceilings that required being plastered and painted again!

Tree Limb Through the Roof

Looking inside out...yikes!

Hurricane Matthew Storm Total Rainfall
Satellite Image over North & South Carolina

To sum up the EXTREME WEATHER in the 2016 ATLANTIC Hurricane Season are these facts:
  • Most active
  • Costliest
  • Above average season
  • 15 Named Storms
  • 7 Hurricanes
  • 4 Major Hurricanes
  • Strongest, Costliest & Deadliest.....HURRICANE MATTHEW

Thanks for stopping by! I may or may not have the completed ART JOURNAL page up so I encourage you to check back for the project!

I encourage to hop on over to the Sustainable Souls Project blog and you will be able to check out all the other artists involved and the projects they created for this month!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Sustainable Souls Project Jan. 2017


Welcome to the 1st month of the 2017 year long SUSTAINABLE SOULS PROJECT. This collaboration was created by Tina Walker with the assistance of 28+ artists. We will tackle different themes each month, create projects and share them via blogs, FB, Instagram. 

So here is my idea for the year as I'm in the process of packing my studio & home to move back to Buffalo, NY from NC. I found my very 1st art journal that I never finished so using this as my starting point and with very few supplies I will finish this journal using what I have. The following quote gave me the impetus to go forward.

"Start Where You Are

Use What You Have

Do What You Can:
....Arthur Ashe

It was fun to go back in time and look at my beginning pages in this art journal. I started this in 2009 with very little knowledge but wanted to expand my skills. I worked in the journal for a couple of years but put it aside as my skills expanded. While packing I found it and realized I needed to finish the pages left blank. 
Snippets of Pages

My first order of business was to create a collage for the journal cover and SSP with magazine cut-outs I've collected over the years. It's funny when one goes back and finds perfect images for the cover!

My 2nd order of business was to do a little research on sustainability and I stumbled across the work that the UN is involved in around the world. Fascinating, thought provoking and an eye-opener. I'm going to keep this journal and pages as catch-all for the info. I find through this year. I'm also on a mission to recycle and use up what supplies I have.

"Let us be good stewards of the Earth we inherited. 
All of us have to share the Earth's fragile ecosystems
 and precious resources, 
and each of us has a role to play in preserving them. 
If we are to go on living together on this earth, 
we must all be responsible for it." Kofi Annan

Here is the link to the UN website:

Here are the 17 GOALS developed for the UN Project. Plenty of great information and also teaching tools for each of the 17 Goals. 

"On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.There is also an APP that you can download from the app store on IOS & Android.
I thank you for stopping by, taking the time to view my art journal pages and maybe even check out the sources I found. I hope you also join me in this year long discovery! Keep up with all of the incredible artists involved and their projects here;